Marijuana dispensary coming to CF area

The state of Pennsylvania approved a medical marijuana dispensary for the Chadds Ford area two weeks ago. The license went to GTI Pennsylvania, a licensed medical marijuana grower and operator of four other dispensaries in the state. According to the state’s approval process, the dispensary is supposed to open within six months. The address the state used is 68 Watkin Avenue, a residential property in…

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Mind Matters: Post funeral reflections

I sit in the Philadelphia airport terminal waiting through stormy weather to return to Boston. This was not a planned trip but an unexpected journey taken to attend the funeral of a cousin who died suddenly. Last  Christmas her sister died after many years of being ill. All those years, Kris had been her caretaker. After Margie died, Kris, although grieving, also felt some relief…

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Mind Matters: The pain of suicide

“There is no silver bullet to understand why [suicide and self-harm occur]. Suicide and self-harm are idiosyncratic to the individual, unique to a person’s response to stress,” according to Jack Klott, a prominent suicidologist. However, bullets are one of the main causes of suicides in the United States. At a recent meeting in Boston, Klott highlighted the most recent research findings and reported that white…

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Maximize insurance benefits

Make the Most of Your Health Insurance Before the End of the Year. The start of a new calendar year sends many people into reset mode. They’re resetting their goals, resolutions and frames of mind at the start of each year. A lot of people tend to forget that their health insurance plan is getting ready to do the same thing with a new year…

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Today’s Family: Listening for greatness

In today’s modern age self-doubt and multiple points of view are major obstacles to effective communication. This is especially true when it comes to parenting and developing children. Parents who are being too strict or authoritarian can prove to be a hurdle for children to express their own self whereas being too lenient or permissive could lead them down the wrong track. The secret just…

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Benefits of drinking water

Whether you’re a water glass half-full or half-empty kind of person, the medical community will almost always tell you to drink the rest of it. Water is essential to nearly every major system in your body, and there’s an increasing amount of smart water bottles and apps designed to remind you to drink up during the day. After the holiday season rolls through, some of…

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Mind Matters: Talking to children about difficult topics

I grew up in a New Jersey mill town that was literally a stone’s throw across the Delaware River from Philadelphia. It may have been South Jersey, but it was not the south, yet when I was young, my mother told me stories about the Ku Klux Klan burning crosses on lawns when she was young. Their bigotry extended beyond hatred of blacks and Jews to…

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Pilates for back pain

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Students in Pilates Class

Back pain is something you may be all too familiar with. An estimated 80 percent of adults will suffer from lower back pain at some point in their lifetime. Adding Pilates to your workout routine may help minimize or eliminate the pressure. That’s because pain in the back can be be caused by muscle overuse or postural alignment problems. Certain exercises, such as Pilates, can…

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Lung screening helps save lives

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Lung Image

November is lung cancer awareness month. Lung cancer is the second most common cancer in both men and women, following skin cancer, and is the leading cause of cancer death each year. More people die of lung cancer than of colon, breast, and prostate cancers combined. That's why Crozer Keystone Health System developed its Lung Screening Program using low-dose computerized tomography (CT) scans. This screening…

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Mind Matters: Dum-Da-Dum-Dum

Anybody remember “Dragnet,” a TV program from the 1950s? Okay, you’d have to be pretty old to remember Sgt. Joe Friday, portrayed by actor Jack Webb, saying dryly to a witness or victim of crime, “All we want are the facts, ma’am.” Facts often take a backseat to ingrained mindsets or belief systems. However, with a change of perspective, a new understanding can be achieved.…

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Treating varicose veins

Whether it is at home during the summer or on vacation in the winter, hot weather can be an uncomfortable time for people who have varicose veins. After all, shorts and bathing suits that come along with warm-weather wear don’t exactly mesh well with someone who may be feeling self-conscious about their legs. Beyond cosmetic concerns, the symptoms associated with varicose veins can be aggravated…

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