What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common disorder that affects between 10 and 15 percent of the U.S. population. This condition affects the large intestine and causes uncomfortable symptoms such as cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea and constipation. IBS is a chronic condition that needs to be managed long term. However, the good news is that it can be managed. Coming to a diagnosis…

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Helping kids deal with anxiety

Everyone can experience anxiety from time to time. Whether it’s meeting someone or moving somewhere new, certain events or moments can cause anyone to feel anxious. This is true for kids, too. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, one in eight children suffers from anxiety. “Anxiety can be a normal part of childhood and is usually just a temporary phase. An anxiety…

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Stress and risk of heart disease

Stress Can Increase Your Risk for Heart Disease.  Stress is a normal part of life. Stress can come from physical causes like not getting enough sleep or having an illness. Another cause for stress can be emotional, worrying about not having enough money or the death of a loved one. Stress can also come from less dramatic causes like everyday obligations and pressures that make…

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How to prepare for a race

Training for a run is fun, exhilarating—and if you’re a newcomer, potentially daunting. It may be a race, but Crozer-Keystone Health System’s sports medicine specialists recommend, above all, taking it slow. That starts with knowing your own medical history and level of fitness. Anyone who’s planning to start running and might have risk factors or a family history for heart disease should be seen by…

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What is endometriosis?

The tissue that lines the uterus is called the endometrium. Normally, if a woman doesn’t get pregnant, this tissue is shed each month during her period. In endometriosis, tissue that looks and acts like endometrial tissue implants outside the uterus. Each month, this misplaced tissue responds to the hormonal changes of the menstrual cycle. It builds up, breaks down, and bleeds. But, the blood has…

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Honesty before surgery

Why is it important to tell your doctor the truth?  You’ve worked to get healthier, cut down on your drinking, and quit smoking the occasional cigarette you used to enjoy “once in a while.” At least, that’s what you’re telling people. We all want to present the best version of ourselves to the world, and you may hide some of your lingering bad habits from…

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Managing risks for colorectal cancer

A risk factor is anything that impacts your risk of developing cancer or another disease. Because every type of cancer is different, each form has their own risk factors – some of which you can control.Identifying and understanding your risk for certain cancers, especially colorectal cancer, isn’t meant to scare you. In fact, having one or even many risk factors doesn’t mean you’ll automatically develop…

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Fentanyl misuse can be deadly

Addiction to opioid drugs is a growing problem across the United States. Like other drugs associated with the crisis, fentanyl creates significant health risks for people who misuse and abuse it. New research published in the International Journal of Drug Policy suggests that more than half of overdose deaths are linked to fentanyl. While fentanyl on its own is a dangerous part of the opioid…

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Gurgles and grumbles stomach troubles

No one really likes to talk about diarrhea in public, but it’s a fact of life and an important health issue. While diarrhea can make you run for the bathroom at the most inopportune time, it can also quickly progress from merely embarrassing to potentially life-threatening if left untreated. In fact, one out of nine deaths among children worldwide is attributed to a diarrheal disease.…

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Phlegm: icky yet informative

Phlegm. Ick. No one wants to think about phlegm. It’s gross, right? But it’s important to talk about, especially during cold and flu season. A lot of people are or soon will be dealing with colds, congestion and other seasonal infections—and they often come with phlegm. Mucus is a normal part of your body. Your respiratory system is packed with mucus membranes that secrete mucus…

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