Carwash hearing closed

Concord Township has closed its conditional use hearing for a carwash on Conchester Highway, but no decision will be released for another month or two. As previously reported, Dave Kelleher of David Auto wants to open a detailing shop and a carwash on a 5.32-acre site at 830 Conchester Highway, across from Evergreen Drive. Concord’s Zoning Hearing Board granted a special exception for the detailing shop in October, but conditional use approval is needed for the carwash.

The hearing opened on Nov. 6 and was continued to Dec. 16, and there were some changes made to the plan after that November session. According to architect Bob Linn, township council wanted the carwash building to be made longer and wider so employees wouldn’t be seen “scurrying around.” But he added that the plan is still compliant regarding total ground cover and impervious coverage per township code.

As proposed, the carwash is to be full service with employees handling everything from vacuuming the interior before the wash and drying off the vehicle afterward.

Linn said that the older model of a full-service carwash is Kelleher’s preference.

“With today’s carwash, you see people out there in suits and dresses trying to vacuum their own cars…David’s model for a carwash is he wants this to be full service. He wants you to be able to pull up and not worry about a thing until you pick the car up at the other end,” Linn said.

Kelleher, who couldn’t attend the November session, said he likes to do things at a high level and the proposal does just that—the proposed carwash functions in a similar manner to a full-service carwash in Bryn Mawr.

He said he likes that when he goes to that carwash, he gets out of the car, watches employees vacuum, sees the car going through the wash, then sees employees drying off his car. He likes that and wants to provide that service for his customers.

“That’s the kind of experience I want to provide,” Kelleher said.

Under questioning from attorney Lou Colagreco, traffic engineer Al Federico discussed traffic flow and how the carwash operation might affect traffic on the Conchester during morning and afternoon rush hours.

“It’ll be fine,” Federico said. “We did an initial traffic assessment using information provided by the Institute of Transportation with respect to the carwash. Carwashes typically don’t open until mid-morning so there’s not a lot of a.m. data…So, when we looked at the morning peak hours for the carwash, we assumed it would be the same traffic volume as the evening. Particularly, within the context of Conchester Highway, this is not a heavy traffic generator.”

Federico said there could be up to 41 new a.m. and 41 p.m. trips.

“This will not substantially increase congestion,” he added.

Internal traffic flow is clockwise, Federico also said.

There was also a brief exchange concerning the possibility of an easement should Evergreen Drive be extended across Conchester and into the south side of the property in question. Federico said it’s doable, should it be necessary, but “It’s not something to be undertaken lightly.”

Federico said ingress and egress are right-in and right-out only, and there’s already a deceleration lane on the northbound side of the road allowing for right turns in without slowing other traffic.

“Vehicles will be able to enter and exit the site in an acceptable manner.”

Township solicitor Hugh Donoghue said after the hearing closed that the council would announce its decision at either the January or February meeting. Even if conditional use is granted, Kelleher must still go through the land development procedure before construction can begin.

About Rich Schwartzman

Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.

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