• The Kennett Area YMCA offers a four-day water safety course for children ages 6-11 beginning Monday, June 7. There is no charge to attend, and all are welcome, but advanced registration is required. The four-day course, taught by a certified YMCA swim instructor, will help kids learn critical water safety and life-saving skills such as what to do if they unexpectedly find themselves in the water. Participants need to attend all four days of the program, which will be held from 5-7 p.m. each evening. Health and safety measures are in place to create the safest experience possible. To learn more and register, visit ymcagbw.org/watersafety. Space is limited with registration being offered on a first-come-first-serve basis.
• Concord Township will have a weeklong scavenger hunt beginning this Saturday, June 5, ending on June 12. The township website will have a list of the clues and the rules on Saturday. Find 25 things around Concord. Residents will document or take pictures of the item listed. Entries must be submitted by the end of the day on June 12. All entries must be submitted.

• It’s a hot time in the town on June 13 as The Center for Creative Arts hosts Hot Jam 2021: A celebration of live music. Hot Jam runs from 1-8 p.m. at CCarts’ outdoor stage in Yorklyn, Del. It features eight local musical acts both large and small. Artists will play their own original music and some bands will be playing covers. The event is rain or shine. Admission is $5 at the door and free to children under 12. The proceeds from this concert will benefit the center’s efforts to expand programming to include more inclusive and accessible programs for students of all ages and abilities. The festival atmosphere includes Woody’s on Wheels beach-themed American cuisine food truck, a summer clothing drive to benefit Code Purple and Food Not Bombs who provide resources for the homeless and craft activities.
• Delaware Theatre Company announces its June lineup for the 2020/21 Season—Take 2!, a new outdoor performance series that showcases a variety of Hollywood, Broadway, and regional performers. From June 9 through June 12, the show is Robert Dubac—The Male Intellect: An Oxymoron? Showtimes are Wednesday–Fri. 6:30 p.m. and Sat. 2:30 p.m. Audience members are encouraged to bring a chair and refreshments. Performances are held in the parking lot of Delaware Theatre Company, located at 200 Water Street in Wilmington, just feet from the Riverfront. To purchase two-person or four-person boxes, call DTC’s box office at 302.594.1100 or visit delawaretheatre.org.
• The Chester County Art Association has announced that open clay studio will be resuming this summer. Beginning on June 8, open studio will be held on Tuesdays (6-9 p.m.) and Thursdays (4-7 p.m.). Reservations are required for open studio online. Each session is booked individually. The price is $15 per session. That price includes glazing and firing. All clay purchases must be made to the clay tech in cash. CCAA has 25-pound bags of red clay available for $20.
