The Scouting scene

the years the Boy Scouts of America, as a singular entity, has been praised and
been criticized. The more recent criticisms have involved its insistence on a
scout having a religious belief and of a perceived intolerance of
homosexuality. But these are internal issues that have more to do with changing
societal mores, than the BSA.

scouting does, in part at least, is to help youth stay out of trouble as they
grow into adulthood, and to help them along that growth path. Scouting teaches
acceptance of others, and to be willing to help those who need that help.

the path are all those activities that lead to merit badges, activities that
teach social and survival skills as well as camaraderie.

Scout Troop 31 of Chadds Ford is an example of what scouting is all about and
we were reminded of this fact earlier in the week at a Court of Honor in which
two members of the troop were awarded the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest rank
the boys can achieve in the scouting world. It takes years of work and
dedication to make Eagle and then there is that Eagle Scout project that
demonstrates the willingness to help others, to achieve for oneself by doing
for someone else.

are reluctant to praise the two newest individual eagles, to mention them by
name because they will be joined next month by three more, and there will be
more after that. It seems Troop 31 has a knack for developing youth to their
highest level.

troop leadership, and the parents of those scouts deserve the thanks of the community.

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