Democrats Mary Gay Scanlon and Chrissy Houlahan will be the newest representatives to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives come January. Both were voted into office to serve the newly formed 5thCongressional District for Delaware County and 6thCongressional District for Chester County, respectively.
There’s also a new state representative for Pennsylvania’s 158thLegislative District. Democrat Christina Sappey beat incumbent Republican Eric Roe. Votes were 15,301 for Sappey, 13,607 for Roe, according to the Chester County Voter Services.
Two other local incumbent state representatives — Democrat Carolyn Comitta and Republican Steve Barrar — kept their seats. Comitta topped Nicholas Deminski 17,802-15,293 in the 156thlegislative District, while Barrar beat Democratic Party challenger Anton Andrew by less than 700 votes, 14,913-14,217 in the 160thLD race.
The 160thincludes portions of Delaware and Chester County. Andrew took more of the Chester County votes — 1,716 — but Barrar held strong in Delaware County gaining a 2,412-vote margin there.

Scanlon topped Republican Pearl Kim by more than 56,000 votes, 146,991-90,844 to take the 5thCongressional District race while Houlahan topped her Republican opponent Greg McCauley138,829 to 96,754.
All vote totals are unofficial until they are certified.
Voter turnout was heavy yesterday morning despite a thick fog followed by rain. Yet there was some disgruntlement at one polling place.
Poll workers at Chadds Ford Elementary School — one of four Pennsbury precincts — were upset that voters had to walk down a narrow flight of stairs to get to the polls. This made it difficult for some of the elderly and disabled voters, workers complained. One poll worker called the situation “unacceptable.”
School was in session and Tim Hoffman, the school district’s director of curriculum and instruction, said those who needed assistance could enter through the main entrance and be escorted to an elevator that would take them to the lower level.
Despite the inconvenience, 100 voters had gone through the process there by 8:30 a.m. Similar numbers were reported elsewhere. At the Concord Township municipal building, 96 people had voted by 7:40 a.m. and 110 had voted at the Birmingham Township municipal building by 8:10 a.m.
Turnout remained strong throughout the day. There were 1,300 voters in Chadds Ford Township by 3 p.m. and the 6thprecinct in Concord Township — at the municipal building — saw 754 voters by 4:15 p.m.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.