PennDOT: Police to target aggressive drivers

In 2015, aggressive driving led to 1,833 crashes and 26 fatalities in Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery and Philadelphia counties, numbers that PennDOT wants to reduce.

Toward that end, police departments representing 57 municipalities across southeast Pennsylvania and Pennsylvania State Police will conduct aggressive-driving enforcement activities as part of a statewide mobilization that runs through Nov. 22, said a PennDOT press release.

Police will be targeting motorists who exhibit aggressive-driving behaviors such as running red lights, speeding and tailgating. Motorists exhibiting other unsafe behaviors such as distracted driving, or violating Pennsylvania’s School Bus Stopping Law will also be cited, the release said.

Participating agencies will use traffic enforcement zones, saturation patrols, speed enforcement details, corridor enforcement, work zone enforcement and multi-jurisdictional patrol strategies to identify and cite aggressive drivers.

The enforcement is part of the Pennsylvania Aggressive Driving Enforcement and Education Project and is funded by part of PennDOT’s investment of federal funds from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Since the project was launched in 2006, nearly 600 roadways have been targeted with additional enforcement and education

PennDOT offers the following tips for drivers who encounter an aggressive driver: Get out of their way and don't challenge them; stay relaxed, avoid eye contact and ignore rude gestures; and don't block the passing lane if you are driving slower than most of the traffic.

To learn more about aggressive-driving and other PennDOT safety initiative visit


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