This election cycle has been full of news about the presidential and Pennsylvania senatorial race. Both – with out question – very important. But there is another contest that deserves a much closer look than it is being given by the media. The contest for the 7th Congressional District seat in Pennsylvania between incumbent Pat Meehan and Democrat Mary Ellen Balchunis is arguably a truest referendum on what we value in Pennsylvania.
Polls will tell you that most Pennsylvanian’s are concerned about climate change, a woman’s right to manage her own health care and fair and true representation. If that is the case then Pat Meehan’s voting record and stated positions indicate that he is not representing the people of the 7th Congressional District or Pennsylvania.
Pat Meehan voted to defund research into the connection between climate change and the energy industry in HB5538. He has repeatedly voted to defund Planned Parenthood, a valuable provider of women’s and men’s health services and he stands firm in his opposition to an assault weapons ban.
The voice of the people is in Mary Ellen Balchunis. She supports the development of true, clean energy and recognizes that we must embrace a fact-based future not past-based mythology.
Ms. Balchunis has earned the support of the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO, Planned Parenthood, and the National Women’s Political Caucus. These endorsements are from organizations that represent the breadth and depth of our Commonwealth – working people and groups that protect our freedoms and rights.
History has shown us that “trickle down” is a myth. And a gerrymandered district like the 7th fails to meet the standard of true representation. What we do know is that when the voice of the people speaks louder than the than the noise that is trying to block it out – good things happen.
Mary Ellen Balchunis is my voice.
Victoria S. Wiedwald
Kennett Township
