The Vatican released the comprehensive itinerary for Pope Francis' journey to the United States, including his schedule for Philadelphia on Sept. 26-27, which will close the six-day journey, said an archdiocesan press release.
Pope Francis will take part in eight public events in Philadelphia, in addition to his arrival and departure from Atlantic Aviation.
The following reflects the chronological order of confirmed Papal events for Philadelphia.
Saturday, Sept. 26
- Private arrival: Atlantic Aviation
- The Cathedral Mass with Pope Francis: The Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul
- Greeting of the Holy Father by the Seminarians of Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary on the exterior front steps of the seminary
- "We Hold These Truths... :" Independence Hall address by Pope Francis (outdoors, overlooking the mall); expected themes are religious liberty and immigration
- The Festival of Families: The Benjamin Franklin Parkway
Sunday, Sept. 27
- Address to cardinals and bishops attending World Meeting of Families - Philadelphia 2015: Saint Martin's Chapel at Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary
- Visit with prisoners and select families at the Curran-Fromhold Correctional Facility
- The Papal Mass: The Benjamin Franklin Parkway (Projected: 4 p.m.)
- A Celebration of World Meeting of Families - Philadelphia 2015 for supporters and volunteers: Atlantic Aviation
- Official departure ceremony: Atlantic Aviation
Decisions regarding which events will require passes are still to be determined, the release said. The Festival of Families on Sept. 26 and the Papal Mass on Sept. 27 on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway are open to the public.
"Pope Francis' plans for his visit to Philadelphia seamlessly integrate powerful public moments with more intimate gatherings that are deeply grace filled," said Philadelphia Archbishop Charles J. Chaput in the release. “The Holy Father's planned itinerary is a true gift to all of us in the Philadelphia regardless of faith tradition. I am confident we will leave a positive and lasting impression upon Pope Francis and keep the spirit of his visit in our hearts as we seek constantly to build a better society."
