A couple of Pocopson Township agenda items did not materialize on Monday, May 11, shortening the supervisors’ meeting to about 45 minutes.

The supervisors said Toll Brothers postponed the closing on the wastewater treatment facility at the Preserve at Chadds Ford subdivision. Supervisors’ Chairman Barney Leonard said he expected the township would take possession of the facility within two weeks, at which point it would be sold to another wastewater firm operator.
A vote on the Phase Two Scope of Work for Barnard House was delayed because the supervisors had not yet heard back from Dennis Melton of Melton Architects. Melton appeared at the last meeting and said he would work to respond to the supervisors’ questions and suggestions regarding the interior layout.
The early 1800s stone house, once a stop on the Underground Railroad, is being repurposed as the township’s administrative offices and a home for the Kennett Underground Railroad Museum. The project has generated conflict over its renovation costs: more than $600,000 to date with $825,000 in projected costs in the 2015 budget.
The bulk of Monday night’s meeting focused on questions involving open space in the Taylors Run subdivision. Steve Grabicki and Jo Cheeseman, who are renovating a residence on a contiguous property, said they are interested in buying or leasing the land for use as horse pasture.
Eric Welsh, one of three Taylors Run homeowners who attended the meeting, said he and some of his neighbors didn’t even know the development had open space and would prefer not to have to maintain it. However, the supervisors explained that all 11 homeowners must set up their homeowners’ association before any decisions can be made.
“You’re going to need an attorney to help set this up,” said Supervisor Georgia Brutscher.
Supervisor Ricki Stumpo said the residents were welcome to use the township building for their meetings as long as they are scheduled in advance. “You’ve got to start your HOA,” Stumpo said.
Citing efficiency, the supervisors agreed to authorize a public hearing on the adoption of ordinances on building codes, wireless communication, alternative energy, and rental properties at their first meeting in July. Susan Simone, the township secretary, said drafts are available for review at the township building and would be added to the township’s website well before the meeting.
The supervisors voted unanimously to renew their municipal insurance with Frances Hall Insurance Services. By switching carriers, a change recommended by Bob Hall, the cost of $38,322 represented a savings of about $200 from the previous year.
The board also agreed to approve an entry-level, full-time position in the township’s Public Works Department. Director Mark Knightly will begin interviewing candidates, said Leonard.
Leonard read a resolution thanking the county’s longtime zoning solicitor, Fronefield Crawford, for about 30 years of “exemplary efforts” representing Pocopson. Supervisor Ricki Stumpo explained that Crawford was moving to Unruh Turner Burke and Frees. Since Ross Unruh is the township solicitor, Crawford would no longer be able to provide zoning counsel to the township since those positions must be independent of each other.
The township’s Zoning Hearing Board is in the process of interviewing candidates, Leonard said. He said he expected to have a recommendation from them within the next month.
