A couple of weeks ago, I sent state Rep. Stephen Barrar an email requesting that he try to exert influence on PennDOT to elevate the priority to repair the terrible pot holes (“caverns”) in certain Pennsylvania roads in and around Pennsbury Township: (1) Route 926 between Pennsbury Township and Route 3, in particular the bridge across the Brandywine where a wheel could get lost; Parkersville Road; and (3) Birmingham Road between 926 and Route 202 (a well traveled route to the shops along Route 202).
Rep. Barrar immediately set out to accommodate my request (and likely from others) and made contact with PennDOT administrators. Barrar’s excellent and conscientious staff has followed up with me via several emails since then. The result is a plan to repair these roads and swift action to implement the plan. Repair of Route 926 is schedule for the week of April 27, but has already commenced.
It appears that more than just band-aide filling of holes (that will pop out next winter) is being done. Some of the roadway is being ground away in preparation for strips of new blacktop. Rep. Barrar’s office is issuing a weekly report on planned road repairs for the coming week. Parkersville Road repair is schedule for the week of April 27.
Rep. Barrar has been a breath of fresh air. Others in the past have expended more energy making excuses for why something cannot be done than would have been expended by just doing it. Rep. Barrar and staff just get it done.
Hats off to Rep. Stephen Barrar and his staff from the appreciative residents of Pennsbury Township.
Scotty Scottoline
Supervisor, Pennsbury Township
