I am writing to share how inspired I have been by Admiral Joe Sestak’s 422-mile walk across Pennsylvania, after announcing his candidacy for Senate. He truly wants to “walk in the shoes” of all Pennsylvanians, and he’s been meeting with people of all walks of life, outlining his concerns and truly listening.
This is the kind of attitude and energy that will make him an exceptional senator. Additionally, Adm. Sestak has the most impressive credentials: a Pennsylvanian by birth, he graduated second in his class from the U.S. Naval Academy and earned a PhD from Harvard in Political Economy and Government between tours of duty. In his 31 years of service with the U.S. Navy, he held a broad range of important positions of incredible responsibility, among them: political-military analyst for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, director of defense policy on the National Security Council, the first director of the Navy’s anti-terrorism unit “Deep Blue” after 9/11, commander of an aircraft carrier battle group of 30 U.S. and allied ships, 100 aircraft and 15,000 sailors, Marines, aviators and SEALs during combat operations in Afghanistan. He was also named most productive member in his congressional class by the majority leader when he represented Pennsylvania’s 7th District.
I have been sorely disappointed by many of Sen. Toomey’s votes, in particular, his three filibusters against the Paycheck Fairness Act and also transportation bills, which would provide needed funding for highways and transit projects. However, for me, the last straw was Pat Toomey’s signature on the Tom Cotton Senate letter to Iran. At that point, I realized he did not represent me, nor, I suspect, most Pennsylvanians. I was outraged.
I feel we are incredibly fortunate to have a highly intelligent, experienced statesman, Adm. Joe Sestak, as a quality senatorial candidate who will represent all Pennsylvanians.
Pamela Smyth
