CF GOP introduces candidates for 2015

The Chadds Ford Republican Party celebrated St. Patrick’s Day with a public debut of this year’s candidates for office.

Candidates for country and regional offices — among them being incumbent state Sen. Dominic F. Pileggi, who is running for Common Pleas Court Judge, and Delaware County District Attorney Jack Whelan, seeking re-election — gave brief hellos.

Following that, candidates for township supervisor took to the microphone.

Noelle Barbone, the endorsed candidate to run for the seat now held by Supervisor George Thorpe, said she and fellow candidate Samantha Reiner are looking forward to working with Supervisors’ Chairman Frank Murphy.

Standing are candidates for school board Lorraine Rammuno and John Murphy. Seated are supervisor candidates Noelle Barbone, left, and Samantha Reiner. Carolyn Daniels, the third endorsed candidate for school board, is not shown.
Standing are candidates for school board Lorraine Ramunno and John Murphy. Seated are supervisor candidates Noelle Barbone, left, and Samantha Reiner. Carolyn Daniels, the third endorsed candidate for school board, is not shown.

She added that she brings 45 years of real estate experience to the table and cites that as a major qualification.

“I really know the importance of maintaining property value,” she said adding that, as a realtor, she took an oath to protect property rights, which includes maintaining property value.

Barbone also has a project she wants to undertake if elected. She wants to work with the Chadds Ford Historical Society to help identify all of the historical monuments and properties in the township.

“It’s important because I know many buyers and others are attracted to Chadds Ford Township because of its history. When we maintain history, we maintain property value as well,” she said.

Barbone will face Democratic Party challenger Alan Horowitz in November.

The other endorsed Republican for supervisor is Reiner, who was appointed to replace Keith Klaver, who resigned in January. She will run in her own name to serve the remaining two years of Klaver’s six-year term.

Reiner has been the township manager in Edgmont Township since 1997 and spent six years managing the Bethel Township Sewer Authority before that.

She presented her campaign slogan “THINK Reiner for supervisor” using individual cards with the letters T, H, I, N, and K, with each letter representing an attribute or personality trait she said she brings to the office.

Among others, she said she’s teachable, tough and thorough, honest and hardworking, innovative and interested, a neighbor who understands how to network, and, she said, she’s knowledgeable and keen on details.

Chadds Ford Republican Party leader Mary Kot said she’s looking forward to the election with Barbone and Reiner on the ticket.

“I’m excited and thrilled to have two candidates of their caliber. They’re really special,” Kot said.

Unionville-Chadds Ford School Board candidates Lorraine Ramunno and John Murphy, from Pennsbury Township, also attended.

Incumbent school board Director Carolyn Daniels, of Chadds Ford, is running for re-election, but was not in attendance.

The event was held at Brandywine catering on Route 1.


About Rich Schwartzman

Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.

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