The first thing to understand about finding your purpose is that it’s very much like finding a dinosaur relic. The first thing you need to do is to identify where you should look. In this case, the place you need to begin to dig is within your chest. Not literally of course.
Purpose is something you feel, deep within your soul. When you connect your heart with the world, your purpose begins to shine. When you begin to show up in life, as your purpose, the world sees you in a new way.
1) Ask: “How can I touch the lives of people in a positive way?”
The answers we get, are directly related to the questions we ask. All around you, each and every day, is an opportunity to use your life for a purpose. When you begin to ask this question in each moment of your life, purpose begins to show up for you. Suddenly, the awareness of the moment’s purpose becomes clearer. Far too often, people search for the big picture purpose of their life. What they fail to realize is that purpose is found in every moment of life, not in one moment of sudden clarity.
2) Look: Look for opportunities to do what makes you feel good
Too many lives of purpose go unfulfilled because people confuse purpose with career. Sure, it’s great when you get to live your life, full of passion and purpose, and get paid for your efforts as well. However, a great majority of people choose to live a life without purpose because they are looking for a way to get paid for their efforts. Purpose is value. When you begin to value your life because you realize how precious it is, you will begin to find purpose everywhere you look. You begin to feel more purposeful in your life, and therefore, your value increases.
3) Listen: Listen for what is being whispered to your heart
Among the chaos of our world is real need. While the rest of the world is tuned in to WIIFM, the What’s In It For Me, channel. The few people who are tuned in the quiet whispers of their hearts are hearing loud and clear what is needed from them in their lives. Take some time to listen to what is being said to you at your deepest spiritual core.
4) Follow: Find a leader who can guide your path
Sure, being a trail blazer is great! However, you can quickly get stuck, go hungry, and find yourself without a clue as to how you got to where you are in life. Use the same three steps to find a leader who can guide you on your own personal path of purpose. Ask, “Who is living the type of life I want to be living?” Look for ways to connect with that person and serve them without regard for your own financial gain. Listen to them, and gain wisdom.
I’ll leave you with this thought. If you are looking to uncover a massive purpose for your life, you’ll likely stumble upon it while doing what we just talked about. You’ll then begin to see your life as having purpose. Take time to carefully unearth your purpose with care. Be a purpose archeologist, and then once it’s uncovered, use your purpose to serve the world!
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About Tom Anderson
Tom Anderson is the creator of The LifeTrax Success System and the author of the series of books titled, Your Journey Of Being. As a life coach, his mission is to help people improve their lives and achieve their goals. For more information about Tom’s weekly group coaching or LifeTrax, visit