In a 4-1 vote Tuesday night,
Concord Township supervisors approved a settlement plan for a Costco store to
be built along Evergreen Drive. One Costco representative said the store could
be open by the end of August 2012 if everything goes well. Construction could
begin by Oct. 18.
The Sept. 13 decision ends
several years of hearings and litigation over the board’s 2010 denial of
conditional use approval.
While there had been rumors the
board would approve the new plan that includes three key points, the session
lasted more than an hour. Supervisors and the lawyer representing the applicant
debated many of the 20 points listed in the resolution. Most of the debate
concerned the specific wording of the document.
The newly accepted plan
calls for the dedication of Evergreen Drive to the township, a relocated gas
station for Costco members and improvements to Conchester Road.
In addition, Costco has agreed
to several other changes. It agreed to improve the intersections of Route 1
with Evergreen Drive and Conchester Road and to pay to retime the traffic
lights at those same intersections and at Brinton Lake Road.
Part of the improvement to the
Conchester Road intersection includes the removal of a traffic island on
Conchester to make it easier for trucks to turn right onto the street from
Route 1. That was in addition to an earlier offer from Costco to repave
Conchester Road from Aldan Road toward Route 1.
That stretch of Conchester will
be paved and widened to a consistent 26-foot wide cart way. Curbing and
drainage will also be added, per that earlier agreement.
Voting against was Supervisor
John Gillespie.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.