CFES out of search zone

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State police Lt. Col. George Bivens addresses the press during another press conference regarding the search for Danelo Cavalcante. He his flanked by Chester County District Attorney deb Ryan on the left, and Chief County Det. David Sassa. Also shown are two photographs of Cavalcante.

While N. Creek Road remains the eastern edge of the search perimeter in the hunt for Danelo Cavalcante, Chadds Ford Elementary School has been eliminated from the schools within the search area. Greenwood Elementary School in the Kennett Consolidated School District was also eliminated as an area to be searched. The total search area is eight to 10 square miles, according to police.

Pennsylvania State Police Lt. Col. George Bivens said, “Our search perimeter remains unchanged with the exception that we have thoroughly searched the areas around two elementary schools previously contained within the perimeter and have adjusted the perimeter to exclude both schools.”

He said that was done to ease the impact on students and their families while the search for the escaped convicted murderer continues. That search began on Aug. 31 when Cavalcante crab-walked out of the prison, scaling two walls in the exercise area of Chester County Prison in Pocopson Township.

Bivens again stressed that searchers want residents in the area to familiarize themselves with Cavalcante’s description and appearance in photos, and to keep their home and car doors locked. They should also check whatever security cameras they may have at home.

The suspect is described as 5 feet tall, weighing 120 pounds, and has dark curly hair.

Cavalcante has already gotten some clothing and other supplies, Bivens said, and police don’t want the escapee to have a chance of getting more supplies.

“It’s very important to keep the pressure on him as we continue this hunt. Cavalcante is considered extremely dangerous and there is a reward of up to $20,000 offered for information leading to the capture,” Bivens continued. Anyone who has information is asked to call the tip line at 717-562-2987. People can also call 911.

Bivens, the deputy commissioner of operations for the state police, added that there was another sighting in the general vicinity of Longwood Gardens shortly before noon Thursday, Sept. 7, and that the area was being searched even as the 3 p.m. press conference was going on.

That sighting is one of the reasons Bivens thinks Cavalcante is still within the perimeter, that he hasn’t fled beyond the search zone. That zone runs from Route 52 to the west, N. Creek Road to the east, Route 926 to the north, and Hillendale Road at the southern end. And, he said, the perimeter is solid.

“We have maintained as secure a perimeter as we possibly can.”

There have been eight confirmed sightings, Bivens added, and all have been within the perimeter.

Maintaining that perimeter are officers on foot and on horseback, helicopters, and of course, tracking dogs. He called the operation “amazing” and said morale is high among the search team. Troopers from across the state are volunteering to take part in the search.

Bivens mentioned Loki, the dog that suffered heat exhaustion, has been released from veterinary care and is expected to have a full recovery.

As for Cavalcante, Bivens reminded the general public to be wary, and not to approach or confront him.

“I believe he is becoming more desperate; I believe he has always been very dangerous. I’ve said that from the start. He’s already murdered two people, one in Brazil and one here in a very brutal manner. He’s a very dangerous individual and he remains so,” Bivens said, adding “We’re not going anywhere. We will eventually capture him and, when we do, he’s going to prison.”

About Rich Schwartzman

Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.

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