PennDOT has announced the following road projects, which are weather-dependent and could affect drivers in the greater Chadds Ford area during the week of March 11 through March 17. Motorists are urged to allow extra time if traveling through one of the construction zones. Work schedules are subject to change.
• Tree pruning and removal may cause daytime traffic delays on Beaver Valley Road between the Delaware state line and Summit Street in Chadds Ford and Concord townships through March 15. Pruning will also be done on Smithbridge Road in Chadds Ford Township through March 17.
• Utility restoration will cause daytime lane closures on W. Market Street between N. Darlington Street and Woodbine Alley in West Chester through March 17.
• Preliminary construction is set to begin for widening and improving a 1.3-mile section of Route 1 from the Kennett Oxford Bypass to Greenwood Road in Kennett and East Marlborough townships. Under this project, PennDOT’s contractor will mill and overlay Route 1, construct a third travel lane on certain sections in each direction, and use existing shoulders and right turn lanes to create a third lane for the rest of the corridor. They will also build sidewalks along the north side of Route 1 from Schoolhouse Road to the Longwood Village Shopping Center entrance and eliminate the left turn movement from Orchard Avenue onto Route 1.
• Utility Restoration will cause daytime lane closures on Price Street between S. High and Darlington streets and on S. High Street between University Avenue and Union Street in West Chester from March 6-14.
• Underground work will continue to cause partial daytime lane closures on Market Street between High and New streets in West Chester through April 1.
• Gas line installation will cause daytime lane closures on E. Market Street at S. Matlack Street in West Chester through March 10.
• Water main replacement will cause daytime lane closures on N. High Street between W. Ashbridge and W. Gay streets, in West Chester through April 28.
• Motorists should expect lane restrictions with a detour for trucks on Route 162 at its intersection with Route 82 in Newlin Township because of bridge repair. There is currently no date for completion.
