The following animals are ready to be adopted from the Brandywine Valley SPCA in West Chester.

Cecil is a spirited, playful kitty looking to be the newest addition to a fun family. Keep him busy with trips outside on a harness and leash, dangly toys, and lots of pouncing practice. While he's not much of a snuggler, Cecil makes an excellent shadow and will follow his humans from room to room to be as close to them as possible. Because Cecil can play rough and excites easily, potential adopters should be mindful of this if there are real little ones (pets and humans) in the home. Keeping his claws trimmed, providing a couple of scratching posts, scheduling lots of playtime, and getting him outside will keep him calm and content. If you're looking for a dog in a cat's body - Cecil is the one for you. You can adopt him for a fee you name through Sunday, July 25.

Low key and laidback, mellow fellow Joey would make an excellent addition to a loving home. He has an infectious smile and if that big grin isn't enough to get you grinning, he doesn't walk, he prances. Joey appreciates the simpler side of life and enjoys leisurely strolls and the occasional romp with other pups in playgroups. If you have other dogs, Joey would love to meet them before going home with you. Joey qualifies for the shelter's "Large and No Charge" adoption special which waives the fee of all adult dogs (1-plus year and 4o-plus pounds) running through July 25.
For more information, go to or phone 484-302-0865.
