PennDOT has announced the following road projects, which are weather-dependent and could affect drivers in the greater Chadds Ford area during the week of June 12 to June 18. Motorists are urged to allow extra time if they are traveling through one of the construction zones. Work schedules are subject to change.
• Northbound Route 1 motorists will encounter a lane closure at various locations between Hoffman Mill Road and Route 202 on Wednesday, June 16, and Thursday, June 17, from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m., and from 7 p.m. Friday, June 18, to 7 a,m, Monday, June 21, for saw cutting operations under a project to repair and resurface approximately six miles of the road in Chadds Ford, Concord, and Pennsbury township.
• The left-hand lane of southbound Route 1 crossing the Brandywine Creek between Creek and Fairville roads is closed because of a deterioration of two structural support pedestals discovered during a recent bridge inspection. PennDOT is finalizing the rehabilitation plan to replace the damaged pedestals and deteriorated deck joints on the southbound U.S. 1 structure. Construction is expected to start within the next few weeks.
• Baltimore Pike remains closed and detoured 24/7 between Union Street and Chambers Road through the completion of a culvert replacement project scheduled for early September. Baltimore Pike motorists will be directed to use Cypress Avenue/Baltimore Pike, U.S 1 (Kennett-Oxford Bypass) North, Greenwood Road all turns, U.S. 1 (Kennett-Oxford Bypass) South, Route 41 interchange, and Route 41 (Gap Newport Pike/Pennsylvania Avenue) South. Local access will be maintained up to the construction zone.
• Route 3, Gay Street, in West Chester, will be closed during daytime hours due to utility work through July 1. Utility work will also force daytime closure of Gay Street, between Walnut and Church streets in West Chester, through July 1. Detours posted.
