As co-host of the Chadds Ford Republican Party fundraiser at Pescatores Monday night, township Supervisor Noelle Barbone urged people to get to the polls on Nov. 2.
“We need to win the small elections to win the big election,” she said.
The May 24 gathering was the first time in more than a year for the local GOP to get together, and township party leader Mary Kot was glad for the opportunity.
“We really took a year off,” Kot said. “We couldn’t do anything, but we have great volunteers that always step up when we need them to. So, we didn’t do much during COVID, but we’re all so happy to be involved again.”

It’s still too early to set dates or specific events, but Kot said the party is hoping to have a few more fundraisers because they weren’t able to raise money in 2020.
Several county-wide candidates attended the event, including Joshua Brown, running for sheriff, and Dave Galluch, who wants to run for U.S. House.
Also speaking was Delaware County Republican Party Chairman Tom McGarrigle, who said he was still concerned about the lack of sufficient ballots put out by the county Board of Elections.
When Frank Catania ran the Election Bureau, he said, there was never any problem, but in the three elections under the Democrats, “each one gets worse than the one before. We just ran out of ballots only in heavily Republican precincts.”
He said it was frightening how the Democratic Party — which now controls the county — has expanded the county payroll.
“They’ve spent millions and millions of dollars whenever they have a whim to do it,” McGarrigle said.
As an example, he said that when the Republicans had control, they paid a lawyer $70,000 per year to handle virtually every tax appeal case that came along, but the attorney hired by the Democrats has already billed $500,000 “and it’s only May.”
Brown told the audience that it was his grandmother who asked him to run for sheriff. He said he’s spent the past 20 years working in and with counter-terrorism units as a national security specialist.
“People don’t realize that in Pennsylvania, the sheriff is the keeper of the peace. That’s the key thing when I read our Constitution. If you go anywhere in Delaware County and you don’t feel that there’s peace, it means the sheriff is not doing his job. It means the sheriff is not accountable to the people of Delaware County. That has to change.”
Galluch, who wants to challenge Mary Gay Scanlon in 2022, introduced himself, saying he’s the first Republican to file against her and that the Chadds Ford event was his first time out on the campaign. He is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and was a Navy special ops officer for eight years, and now works for Comcast.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.