Concord Township supervisors Tuesday night heard from Township Manager Amanda Serock that the township is in good financial shape. Serock gave a brief rundown on the latest audit. “It was a clean audit; no findings,” she said.
Giving a summary of the audit report from the firm Leitzell & Economides, she said the township’s long-term debt is $12.1 million with more than $4 million of that being for the sewer system. Fund balances as of Dec. 31, 2019, were $2.6 million for the general fund, $500,000 for highway aid, while the Open Space Fee in Lieu Fund balance was $1.7 million. Fee in lieu is money developers pay to a municipality in lieu of land for open space.
The Open Space Fund had a balance of $2.8 million, and the Capital Reserve Fund had a balance of $8.9 million, Serock said.
“About 90 percent of that fund,” she added, “is tied up in agreements and contracts. So, this fund is a little bit different in terms of how it’s used.”
Other funds — tree, hydrant, and library — also had surplus balances. She said.
Serock added that Council had earmarked $1.5 million committed for future land purposes and more for trails and parks, plus another million for open space purchases.
The full audit report is on the township website.
Other business
• During the meeting, Council approved spending $110,000 to buy 1.5 acres of land from the George Zechman estate at 40 Beaver Valley Road — near the First State National Historical Park. The purchase expands Concord’s land preservation to more than 300 acres.
• Council also extended the township’s emergency declaration through Oct. 9. The declaration limits the number of people in the township building and requires those entering to wear masks and practice social distancing. Council meetings are currently limited to 10 audience members.
• The township will hold its Fall Recycle Day on Saturday, Oct. 10, from 8 to 10 a.m., and hold the annual Harvest Festival on Oct. 24. The festival events will be changed because of COVID. The event will be at the township park from 1-3 p.m. with fewer or modified events. Details of those changes still need to be worked out. Community Day this year will be at the township park on Saturday, Sept. 12.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.