• State Sen. Tom Killion, R-9, and state Rep. Chris Quinn, R-168, will hold a food and pet food drive this Saturday, July 11, from 10 a.m. to noon at the Concord Township municipal building for the benefit of those served by the Media Food Bank and Brandywine Valley SPCA. The Media Food Bank needs nonperishable food such as canned tuna, peanut butter, jelly, canned soups, rice, pasta and noodles, cold cereals, and items such as toilet paper, feminine products, soaps, shampoo, and other personal care products. The Brandywine Valley SPCA requests contributions of dry dog food and wet, paté-style cat food. Grocery store and pet store gift cards are also welcomed.
• Concord Township pickleball players are about to get their dedicated outdoor pickleball courts. In the township municipal complex at 43 S. Thornton Road, the courts will have a grand opening on Wednesday, July 15, at 10 a.m.
• The Grand is having its second event in the Concerts by Car series featuring Echoes: The American Pink Floyd on July 17 at 7 p.m. in the Frawley Stadium parking lot on Wilmington's Riverfront. Children under 12 are free, so no need to worry about a babysitter. There will be bigger digital screens during the concert for easier viewing — no smoking onsite. Tickets must be purchased in advance. Tickets are $25 per person (up to four people per car), plus fees. They are available by calling The Grand Box Office at 302-652-5577 or online at www.TheGrandWilmington.org. The Grand is not accepting any in-person purchases at our box offices due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
• Darlington Arts Center is now taking registrations for its fall dance classes. The classes are for ages ranging from pre-K and kindergarten to teenage. For a list of classes, times, and costs, visit Darlington’s website.
• While the Rachel Kohl Library Board of Trustees will discuss on July 27, whether to fully reopen and allow patrons into the library, curbside pickup continues. Curbside hours are Monday - Thursday 10 a.m.-6 p.m. and Friday and Saturday 10 a.m.-2 p.m. To take advantage of the curbside service, patrons are asked to park in the front lot, call, and wait for library staff to give you the okay before driving around to retrieve your order. As a reminder, please do not approach library staff during the curbside pickup process. If staff are still outside, remain in your car until they reenter the library. Be sure to wear a mask when picking up and returning books. For more information, phone 610-358-34445.
• Pennsylvania residents can apply for the CARES Act Rent or Mortgage Relief Program being offered by the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency. Renters can receive up to $750 a month for up to 6 months, paid directly to their landlord. Those with mortgages are eligible for financial relief up to $1,000 a month for up to 6 months, paid directly to their mortgagee. In order to be considered eligible for these funds, renters and homeowners will need documentation that shows at least a 30 percent reduction in annual income since March 1. The reduction must be directly related to the COVID-19 pandemic or the individual must have become unemployed after March 1. Funds will be distributed on a first come first serve basis. Residents can learn more and apply online at www.phfa.org Delaware County is collaborating with the Community Action Agency of Delaware County to process applications for rental assistance. CAADC can be reached at 610-874-8451.
