PennDOT and the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission announced that the required 60-day pre-enforcement period for the statewide Automated Work Zone Speed Enforcement program has begun and will last until March 4. Pennsylvania’s AWZSE program uses vehicle-mounted systems to detect and record motorists exceeding posted work zone speed limits using electronic speed timing devices.
The AWZSE program was established by the Pennsylvania General Assembly in Act 86 of 2018. During the pre-enforcement period, automated speed enforcement units will be deployed in active work zones, but violations will not be issued. Work zones are selected to maximize the effectiveness of the systems and will be marked with signage in advance of the enforcement area. Additionally, locations are posted on the project website,
“It’s important to remember that the Automated Work Zone Speed Enforcement program isn’t about issuing violations, it’s about saving lives,” said acting PennDOT Secretary Yassmin Gramian. “The goal is to encourage motorists to slow down in work zones, change their behavior, and ultimately improve safety for both motorists and workers.”
AWZSE systems are only operational in active work zones where workers are present. Once enforcement begins on March 4, registered owners will receive a warning letter for a first offense, a violation notice and $75 fine for a second offense, and a violation notice and $150 fine for third and subsequent offenses. These violations are civil penalties only; no points will be assessed to driver’s licenses.
“When a crash occurs in an active work zone, it's just as likely to result in death or injury to a driver or passenger inside that vehicle,” said Turnpike CEO Mark Compton. “This program is about protecting everybody’s safety. If not for these workers in an active work zone, I ask you to slow down for yourself and other travelers.”
In 2018, there were 1,804 work zone crashes in Pennsylvania, resulting in 23 fatalities, and 43 percent of work zone crashes resulted in fatalities or injuries. Since 1970, PennDOT has lost 89 workers in the line of duty. The PA Turnpike has lost 45 workers since 1945.
For more information on the Automated Work Zone Speed Enforcement program, including a list of projects where the units are deployed, visit
