Birmingham Township Supervisors are keeping an open eye — and an ear — on the Crebilly Farm situation in Westtown Township. And they’re making plans to become a party to the next round of hearings on the Toll Bros. application to develop the farm.
The topic came up not as an agenda item during the Nov. 4 Board of Supervisors meeting, but rather during the public comment period.
Township resident Jarl Mork made a request of the board to become a party for this round as it had been during the first hearings in 2017. (Those hearings resulted in Westtown denying the application, with Toll appealing to the Court of Common Pleas and then to Commonwealth Court after Common Pleas upheld the Westtown decision. Commonwealth Court heard the appeal this past spring but has not yet issued its opinion.)
Birmingham Township Supervisors’ Chairman Scott Boorse told Mork that “The township is already planning to apply for party status. … We’re staying abreast of what’s going on.”
Toll Bros.' second plan is pretty much the same as the original: 319 homes on the 322-plus acre property along Route 926 between S. New Street on the west and Route 202 on the east and West Pleasant Grove Road on the north.
Keeping abreast of what’s going on is a simple matter for Birmingham. It’s township solicitor — Kristin Camp — is the planning commission solicitor for Westtown’s Township’s Planning Commission. And Birmingham’s Planning Commission solicitor — Fronefield Crawford — is representing Birmingham in the matter.
Camp said she keeps Crawford updated.
Mork also asked Birmingham’s board to become more proactive in urging PennDOT to improve the intersection of Routes 926 and 202. He said he would like to see that turned into an over/under intersection with Route 202 running under 926.
(The Westtown Township Board of Supervisors begin hearing the application 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 19 at Rustin High School.)
Other business
Birmingham Township Supervisors authorized publicizing the proposed budget for 2020. Township manager Quina Nelling said the township property tax millage will remain at 1.6 mils as it has for about 10 years.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.