Our daughter is in first grade and the bus stops at our house on Creek Road to pick her up and drop her off. Mostly, drivers have obeyed the bus signals but we have had a few incidents where they didn’t and an accident could have easily occurred. Yesterday was one of those unfortunate times. As the bus was coming to a stop to pick up my daughter, a driver on the other side of the road was approaching and seemingly not going to stop. The bus driver reacted and honked her horn (in addition to having the stop arm out), she even pulled part way over the double yellow line to try and stop the car but the driver proceeded anyway. Meanwhile, my husband waited to cross the street until he was certain all cars were stopped, as we always do and we are vigilant with teaching our girls to be extra cautious.
I called the transportation office and without having plate numbers or other identifying information of the driver, they (or the police) cannot do anything. The main concern is the safety of the kids but we will try to snap a photo if we can as well. I am trying to get the word out for drivers to be more aware on Creek Road - while it isn’t a traditional bus stop in a neighborhood, it's a bus stop nonetheless and all vehicles need to yield or stop.
Helene Badeau
Chadds Ford Township
