• The Charlie Hunter Trio featuring Silvana Estrada comes to The Kennett Flash on Saturday, Dec. 30. This will be part of Estrada’s first U.S. tour. A native of Mexico’s southeast, Estrada had just started her studies of jazz at the University of Veracruz and quickly became known throughout the Jazz Studies Centre as a unique triple threat talent: an instrumentalist, playing the Cuatro Venezolano, vocalist, and songwriter whose original compositions are a mixture of Latin American sounds and a vocal interpretation that comes from the “son jarocho” tradition of Veracruz.
• Spring might be three months away, but the Kennett Chocolate Lovers Festival is sooner than that. This year’s festival is Sunday, Feb. 11 at Kennett High School. Entry for general admission is 1 p.m., those with connoisseur tickets can get in at noon. General admission tickets are $10 per person and include six tastings (online special – $30 for a family four-pack). Connoisseur tickets are $25 (or $45 for two people – online only) and include parking, tasting tickets and free beverages. Advance tickets and info: www.KennettChocolate.org
• Brandywine Christmas at the Brandywine River Museum of Art continues through Jan. 7. The exhibit features the remarkable Brandywine Railroad O-gauge model trains running on nearly 2,000 feet of track and includes more than 1,000 pieces, including locomotives, passenger and freight trains, and trolleys that pass through a small town, a farm, factories and even a carnival. There's also the antique Victorian dollhouse (circa 1900), a masterpiece of intricate detail and incredible craftsmanship. The eleven-room house is true to Victorian decor-cluttered rooms filled with overstuffed furniture, wax flowers, gilt mirrors, fringed cushions, and knickknacks--all made to scale.
• It's Midnight in the Square on Dec. 31 as Kennett Square holds its fifth annual Mushroom Drop to bring in the new year. The celebration begins at 6:30 p.m. and runs until 1 a.m. on Jan. 1, 2018. At midnight, a 500-pound mushroom will be lowered to begin 2018. Before that, there will be live entertainment that includes dance troupes, singers, and other performers. At the Garage Teen Center, characters will entertain the kids from 6 to 8 p.m. with music, balloon sculptures and caricatures. A laser light show will run every half hour throughout the evening adding an exciting new dimension to the evening. Admission is free. For more information call 610-444-8484.
• Uptown! Knauer Performing Arts Center opened last New Year's Eve with the "Celebration of the Century." This time — New Year's Eve 2017 — it's "Diamonds & Denim," a gala celebration of the theater's first anniversary as well as the community's overwhelming support, which is a validation of the Founders' dream. The evening features two shows in just one night. The Resident Theater Company, RTC, will kick off the festivities with a special presentation of "Broadway in the Borough." Guests will then be invited to browse auction items and enjoy an open bar and delicious offerings from John Serock Catering. Later, the high energy sounds of "New Street Heat" will return for dancing on the stage, welcoming 2018 with a bubbly toast to the new year. Guests are encouraged to buy tickets for Uptown!s "Diamonds & Denim" New Year's Eve 2017 Gala as early as possible to reserve their desired seats. At $175 per person, they may be purchased online at uptownwestchester.org, at the box office or by calling 610-356-ARTS (2787).
