The first truckload of food is on its way to San Patricio County Texas. The second truck is now being loaded in front of the Giant food store in Dilworthtown located located at 1393 Dilworthtown Road in West Chester. Chester County Sheriff Carolyn Welsh wanted to make sure the food that was collected went to those in need. She directly contacted Sheriff Leroy Moody of San Patricio County Texas to arrange the delivery of food. A local church in will warehouse the food until it is distributed.
San Patricio County is about 700 square miles with about 70,000 residents. It is just a little smaller than Chester County land wise but a lot fewer people live there explained Sheriff Welsh.
The first truck contained 20,000 pounds of donated food. Wayne Moving and Storage paid for the driver and gasoline to get the food to its destination. Funds are being collected to pay for the driver and gas for the second truck. The second truck arrived at the Giant this morning and is filling up. Volunteers are helping organize the contributions.
Welsh expressed amazement at the generosity of people. They do their own grocery shopping, then “bring another grocery cart of food to the truck.”
Items that will be accepted include non-perishable food, sports drinks, baby supplies (diapers, wipes, bottles, formula, car seats, pack and plays, strollers) pet supplies (dog or cat food), cat litter, batteries, Lysol or Clorox wipes, feminine hygiene products, toilet paper, paper towels, razors, shave cream, tooth brushes/toothpaste, body wash/soap, deodorant, brushes, combs, shampoos, snack packs, adult diaper products (Depends), first aid products (bandages, Neosporin, etc.), adult and children’s Tylenol, large garbage bags, rubber gloves, pillows (NEW only), and gift cards (such as VISA, gas, and Walmart).
Organizers said they cannot accept clothing or toys since they lack the resources to process them.
The collection effort is a collaboration between the Chester County Commissioners, and the Sheriff’s Office along with some area first-responders to send donations to Texas residents devastated by Hurricane Harvey.
The collection will continue through Monday September 4 from approximately 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

About Emily Myers
Emily Myers has lived and worked in Chadds Ford for over thirty five years. She founded the parent company of Chadds Ford Live, Decision Design Research, Inc., in 1982. represents the confluence of Myers' long time, deep involvement in technology and community. Myers was a founding member of the Chadds Ford Business Association and currently serves on its board of directors. Her hobbies include bridge, golf, photography and Tai Chi. She lives with her husband, Jim Lebedda, in Chadds Ford Township.
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