Decade to Doorways, Chester County’s initiative to end homelessness, is hosting a free community event on the front lawn of Uptown! Knauer Performing Arts Center, 226 N. High Street in West Chester, from 5 to 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 22.
Held as part of Decade to Doorways Week of Advocacy and Awareness, the free event will include food, live music, the Humanizing Homelessness photography display and an opportunity for those attending to write a postcard message to legislators in support of affordable housing programs and services that address homelessness in the County.
Lauren Campbell, Decade to Doorways administrator, said “Funds that are provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development help to serve more than 6,000 households in Chester County. These funds assist the men, women and children sleeping in homeless shelters or who are teetering on the brink of homelessness. HUD funding also supports the rehabilitation of our neighborhoods, roads and homes.
“But there is a severe threat to cut $6.2 billion from the Housing and Urban Development budget in 2018, which would severely impact low-income households and those experiencing homelessness in Chester County,” Campbell added. “We’re asking everyone to voice their opinion against this potential budget cut by joining us at our kick-off event to write a post card.”
Additional opportunities to participate in Chester County’s Advocacy and Awareness Week and voice opinions with legislators include “Call-in Day” on Wednesday, Aug.t 23, when residents can book a time to call their legislators, with scripts and information to guide the conversation; and “Email-in Day” on Thursday, Aug. 24.
