• The regular July meeting of the Chadds Ford Township Board of Supervisors, scheduled for July 5, has been canceled.
• A free guided walking tour through Birmingham and Thornbury townships' historic sites will be held on Thursday, July 6, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Following a one-mile itinerary over the terrain where the fiercest fighting took place during in the Battle of Brandywine, the tour begins at 18th-century Thornbury Farm where a cannon ball lodged in the stone walls of the farmhouse, continues through historic Birmingham-Lafayette Cemetery and ends at the 254-year-old Birmingham Friends Meetinghouse. Guides will interpret the battle action, contrasting war with the Quaker Testimony of Peace. Full details may be found at http://www.chescoplanning.

• Radio Free Hone Honduras will be performing at The Kennett Flash on Saturday, July 8duraswill be performing at The Kennett Flash on Saturday, July 8. Doors open at 7 p.m., the show starts at 8. Admission is $18 in advance, $22 the day of the show. The dance floor will be open for this very special performance. Radio Free Honduras brings a mash-up of Latin rhythms and Classic Rock vibes.
• Youth ages 8 to 18 are invited to join Chester County 4-H as we Make it with Mixes. For the child that loves to cook or wants to learn to cook we will be holding a five-day program July 17-21 from 9- 11:30 a.m. daily at the Penn State Extension-Chester County 4-H office in West Chester. Make It With Mixes will allow students to compare price and nutrition values, read a simple recipe, measure ingredients, develop basic cooking skills, evaluate baking products and create and evaluate variations of the same foods. Join us for this yummy class! Participants are encouraged to bring an apron. All other supplies will be provided. Please notify us if your child has any food allergies before the class. The cost of the program is $50. The registration form and more details are available at http://extension.psu.edu/4-h/counties/chester/news/2017/2017-4-h-summer-camps, or by calling the Extension Office at 610-696-3500.
• The Delaware Museum of Natural History will reveal what thrives beneath the soil, under the sea, in the shadows of night and within other dark environments in the special exhibition In the Dark, on view now through Sept. 4. Visit www.delmnh.org or call 302-658-9111 for more information.
• State Rep. Steve Barrar, R-160, is offering people 65 and older another opportunity to get a free SEPTA Key Senior ID card without traveling into Philadelphia. The event will be held on Tuesday, July 11, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Rachel Kohl Library, 687 Smithbridge Road, Glen Mills. Pennsylvania residents, age 65 and older, who have a form of identification acceptable to apply for the Senior Ride ID are eligible to participate in SEPTA's Seniors Ride Free Program. Residents who wish to participate are asked to schedule an appointment by calling Barrar's district office at 610-358-5925.

• The Mill at Anselma will celebrate Life in the 1860s on Saturday, July 8, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Mill at Anselma is excited to be hosting both the Union Patriotic League and the Mifflin Guard Civilians, both reenacting groups who aim to educate the public regarding the life and work of American civilians during the mid-1800s. Their living history demonstrations will inform and delight visitors of all ages. Included in their demonstrations are open fire cooking and baking, chair caning, sewing and other needlework, knitting, ladies hair styling and products, bandboxes, painting, and other handcrafts. The Mill will also be running a demonstration that day to show how corn was ground over 150 years ago. Admission is $5 for adults, $4 for seniors and $3 for children 4 – 14 years of age. Mill members admitted free of charge. The Mill is located on Rt. 401 (1730 Conestoga Road), ½ mile west of Rt. 113 in Chester Springs, PA. For more information, contact the Mill at Anselma at 610-827-1906, email [email protected], or visit www.anselmamill.org.
