Peter Simone of Simone Collins told Chadds Ford Township supervisors during their June 28 workshop that the Walkable Chadds Ford project is taking shape and that it's time to look for money.
Simone Collins is the project consultant since inception in 2014. The overall goal of the plan is to increase pedestrian, bicycle and motor vehicle safety in the village area, as well as increasing business.
The first phase of the project would be to establish crosswalks, sidewalks and trails from the Battlefield Park and township building area at Ring Road, down to N. Creek Road. There would also be a four-way crosswalk at Station Way Road, Route 1 and N. Creek Road. That four-way crosswalk would require some easements from three businesses properties at the intersection.
Simone said that could be done for about $1.75 million that could be funded through grants without any local money being used. Of that amount, $1 million could come from a Transportation Alternate Program, know as TAP, grant and the other $750,000 would come from two other grants.
A second phase of the program, to be considered later, would add a trail between Hank's Place and the Chadds Ford Historical Society, a bike and pedestrian path along Route 1 between Station Way Road in Chadds Ford and Fairville Road in Pennsbury, and another pedestrian crossing from Fairville across Route 1 to Chadds Ford Elementary School.
The bike trail on Route 1 over the Brandywine Creek will have to be put on hold, Simone said, until after the bridge is re-decked. He said PennDOT estimates that to be done within the next 10 years.
This summer, Simone will talk to supervisors in Pennsbury, then return to update Chadds Ford supervisors again in October.
Other business
The regular Board of Supervisors’ July meeting, scheduled for Wednesday, July 5 has been cancelled. The board will still have its July workshop meeting on July 26.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.