It’s important to set the record straight.
It should be known once and for all, that Mr. Iacocca is the one and only Democrat on the Democratic primary ticket, regardless of what has been put out on door knockers or given out as information to reporters. All Democrats and all voters should know the truth about that.
Also, the Kennett Area Democrats and the Chester County Democrats have publicly endorsed Al Iacocca in the race as their Democratic candidate. To date, none of the Republican judge candidates have been endorsed by their party.
It should also be known that, in fact, there are three attorneys running, not just one as has been reported. Mr. Iacocca is one of them, a licensed and actively practicing attorney who owns a local civil, criminal and domestic law practice. Among the other candidates, two are attorneys, one is a constable, and one is a retired police officer.
One last noteworthy piece of information is that, contrary to the misleading statements printed in a recent newspaper article, none of the candidates has ever served as a judge or “presided” over preliminary hearings or landlord-tenant matters as if they were already a judge. It is disappointing that those media outlets didn’t carefully check their facts before printing this false information for voters to read.
I support Al Iacocca because he is a highly worthy candidate for the job, regardless of party affiliation. I’ve heard that many Republicans in the area think he is the best choice for our community too and plan to vote for him. Given the current political climate, this is an idea and a vote worth considering.
Diana Rarig
Kennett Square
