• Kayla Rebecca Jurchak, of Chadds Ford, a junior majoring in psychology, was named a Presidential Scholar for the fall 2016 semester at Clarkson University. Presidential Scholars must achieve a minimum 3.80 grade-point average and carry at least 14 credit hours.
• Katja Hansen, Edward Leonard and Alexandria Philomena Faia, each from Chadds Ford, earned dean's list honors for the fall 2016 semester at Saint Joseph's University. Students must achieve a grade point average of 3.5 or above, a B or greater in all their classes, and complete at least 15 credits to earn dean's list status for a semester.
• Natalie Kaplan, of Chadds Ford, has been named to the dean's list of Macalester College for academic achievement during the fall semester of the 2016-17 school year.
• Benjamin Talbert, Chadds Ford, graduated from Bismarck State College with an A.A.S. degree in electrical transmission system technology in fall 2016. Fall graduates are eligible to walk in BSC's commencement ceremony on May 12.
