The Southern Chester County Chamber of Commerce announced the appointment of five new members to its Board of Directors. They include Heather Connolly of Operation Warm, Tony Scheivert of New Garden Township, Donald G. Sellers of Edward Jones Investments, Andrew Smith of the YMCA of Greater Brandywine, and James Turner of Chester Water Authority. The appointments are effective January 2017.
“The addition of these talented professionals to the Southern Chester County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors continues a tradition of stellar leadership guiding our Chamber,” said SCCCC President and CEO Cheryl Kuhn. “Their varied experience and vast knowledge of our community will serve the Chamber and its growing membership well,” Kuhn said.
Heather Connolly serves as the director for Operation Warm, a national non-profit that provides new winter coats to children in need. Connolly is responsible for all lines of business including community programs, corporate partners, the International Association of Fire Fighters, as well as grant writing and development.
In previous roles, Connolly served as the associate executive director at the Kennett Area YMCA and founded the Chester County chapter of Girls on the Run and STRIDE. She also has experience in Banking Operations at Wachovia Bank, has served on the Kennett Run Board, and served a previous stint on the SCCCC Board. She also currently serves on the Kennett Education Foundation Board of Advisors.
Tony Scheivert is the township manager for New Garden Township and has served in this role since January 2015. Prior to joining New Garden Township, Scheivert spent 10 years with Caln Township. During his time with Caln, Tony served on the Board of the Downingtown-Thorndale Chamber of Commerce.
In his time with New Garden Township, Scheivert has assisted the New Garden Township Board of Supervisors with the sale of its wastewater treatment system, regionalizing New Garden Police Department with neighboring West Grove Borough, establishing a township fund investment policy, obtaining multiple grant awards for open space preservation, road improvements and New Garden Airport Improvements, and vastly improved communications and outreach within the community.
Scheivert holds a bachelor’s degree from Lock Haven University in recreation management and a master’s degree in public administration from West Chester University.
Donald G. Sellers, AAMS, is a financial advisor with Edwards Jones Investments. He holds a bachelor's degree in business administration from West Chester University and received the AAMS® professional designation in 2011. Sellers previously served a three-year term on the Board of Directors of the Southern Chester County Chamber, where he chaired the Membership Committee and served on various other committees.
Andrew Smith is the senior program director of facilities and aquatics at the Kennett Area YMCA. In addition to his duties at the YMCA, Smith is active with the Boys Scouts of America, where he has served as a leader for 12 years.
Jim Turner is the director of marketing for the Chester Water Authority’s Regional Development and Government Relations Team. The team provides support to municipalities and developers in the region to promote economic growth throughout Southern Chester, Western Delaware, and Lancaster Counties. He also oversees procurement opportunities to small and MBE/WBE businesses to promote local economic development.
