It’s been a positive four months for Terry Bruno and One True Heart Healing Center. Bruno opened the center on Station Way Road in late May and said opening in the township was definitely the right decision.
“Chadds Ford is an amazing location,” she said. “It’s a place where people come and feel good to begin with. It’s got all the right feeling.”
While she had an opening reception in the spring, Bruno did a formal ribbon cutting Wednesday night with several of her healing partners, colleagues who teach various spiritual healing modalities.
Bruno said her first two months in business were strong. She was able to build a solid base of clients, with most interested in her practice of reiki and spiritual healing. But then summer vacations took over and things slowed.
She took that less active period to build a base of those healing partners, people who come to her business to hold classes on such practices as meditation, ESP development, astrology, numerology and other practices. She now has 15 healing partners.
Mel Brake is a “metaphysical counselor,” which he says is really another term for spiritual psychologist.

The people he can help are much the same as those a psychologist would help, those who are undergoing emotional issues, such as relationship breakups, job loss, anxieties and worries.
“A metaphysical counselor is someone who uses spirituality to help people with everyday problems…I teach people how they can use basic principles to better their lives,” Brake said.
He doesn’t consider himself a healer, rather as a facilitator of healing.
“People heal themselves, but they have to want to heal…I’m not here to help them, they have to be willing to do it themselves. I just assist with my expertise in spirituality,” he said.
Carolyn Gelone is another healing partner. She teaches ESP development, but also works with people on past-life recall to solve current problems.
Gelone was an elementary school teacher who became a researcher and a past-life counselor. As with Brake, Gelone acknowledges the idea of spiritual psychology.
She accepts the concept of reincarnation and said many people have fears today because of traumatic experiences they had in a previous life. A fear of water can be traced to a drowning incident in a previous life, or maybe a fear of heights today stems from being stuck in the Tower of London hundreds of years ago.
“I take them through an exercise that puts them into a relaxed state and then they go to a past life. What they’re looking for is help with today’s life,” she said.
She traces a person’s problem in a relationship to how they might have known that person in another lifetime.
“If they’re having trouble with a mother-on-law, they might find that in a past life they were the mother-in-law and that they weren’t very nice,” she said.
Gelone admits there is no scientific proof that would satisfy a skeptic but, nonetheless, people who have experienced such an “awakening” understand.
As for the skeptics, “What one person might consider evidence, another would not. It’s difficult to prove. [The skeptic] wants definite proof. They want something concrete like this desk. But there is nothing exact like that.”
For information about One True heart Healing Center, reiki, or any of the other programs at the center, phone Bruno at 484-254-6974, or visit

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.