On Friday, Sept. 9, state police from the Avondale barracks were ready when potential drunk drivers traveled on southbound Route 1 in Kennett Township.

Police said they set up a sobriety checkpoint on Route 1, just south of Route 52, a safety initiative that involved systematically stopping vehicles to observe drivers for signs of impairment. They operated it from 10 p.m. until 3 a.m. the next morning, Saturday, Sept. 10, a police press release said.
During that time period, police stopped 485 vehicles. Seven drivers were arrested for suspected drunk-driving, two were arrested for misdemeanor drug offenses, 15 received summary traffic citations, and 12 were issued written warnings, the release said.
Police said the goal of a sobriety checkpoint is part of an ongoing effort to reduce the number of alcohol and drug-related crashes on area roadways.
