This year the primary election is on April 26. For those of us who live in Pennsylvania’s 9th State Senate District, there is also a special election to fill a vacant seat that day. All registered voters, regardless of party affiliation, will be able to vote in the special election. The winner will go immediately to Harrisburg to represent you for the remainder of 2016.
I am supporting Marty Molloy to be our state senator.
When Marty gets to Harrisburg, he will work to increase the amount of state funding for the general education fund. That is the fund that actually goes toward educating students. Marty’s opponent proudly voted for the Corbett administration’s cut of $1Billion to education. Marty has the endorsement of PSEA, the teachers’ union.
By working to increase state funding of local schools, Marty Molloy will be working to keep your local property taxes from rising.
Marty Molloy will fight in Harrisburg to protect women’s right to make their own health care choices. Marty’s opponent has repeatedly sponsored and voted for legislation that unconstitutionally limits a woman’s access to health care. Marty has the endorsement of Planned Parenthood.
Marty Molloy will work for sensible gun laws in Pennsylvania. Unlike his opponent, Marty Molloy has joined recent public gun safety rallies organized by the Chester County Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence and Delaware County United for Sensible Gun Policy. Marty Molloy has been endorsed by the Chester County Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence.
Marty has the endorsements of state’s Sierra Club, Conservation Voters of PA, and Clean Water Action because of his stands on the environment, clean air, clean water and the protection of open spaces.
On many other issues, Marty Molloy is the candidate who best represents the views of the citizens of the 9th State Senate District in Chester and Delaware Counties. For more information on Marty Molloy, see his website Marty’s website also has a map of the 9th District, in case you want to check if you live in his district.
On April 26 vote in the special election for Marty Molloy to be your State Senator!
Beth Alois,
Thornbury Township
Beth Alois is the first vice-chair of the Delaware County Democratic Committee

I echo all of Beth’s support for Marty Molloy for the 9th PA State Senatorial seat. He is, by far, the best candidate to represent all Pennsylvanians. He supports reliable, sustainable funding for quality public education for every child in PA. He supports protecting a wome’s right to choose and adequate reproductive healthcare. He supports an adequate severance tax on oil and gas industry drilling (one that matches all other states at least 5%) to pay their fair share. He supports maintaining the State Liquor Board and improving the Sate Liquor state stores to continue a reliable revenue for the state and maintain integrity in liquor sales (MADD fully supports keeping the State Store status).
On ALL of these issues, Marty’s opponent has a voting record which is in direct opposition to these issues.
VOTE Marty Molloy on April 26th!