At its meeting on Wednesday, March 23, the Pennsbury Township Board of Supervisors heard differing views on whether township business is relaxed or hectic.
Codes Enforcement Officer Russell Drumheller reported minimal activity for the month. “It’s slowed up a lot,” he said. But that lull is likely to be short-lived, based on the presentation from Planning Commission Chairman Dennis Smith.
Smith described “a big month” with four meetings. He said two of the meetings were devoted to each of the township’s ongoing “large complicated projects:” Longwood Gardens and Windmill Hollow, a subdivision on Brintons Bridge Road. Smith said progress has been made, and he expressed gratitude to township engineer Matthew Houtman for his assistance with the subdivision.
After the meeting, Smith explained that the Longwood project involves crafting an agreement among the three townships with acreage in Longwood: Pennsbury, Kennett and East Marlborough. The goal is to facilitate Longwood’s ability to make changes within its borders without infringing on the townships’ regulations, he said.
The supervisors unanimously passed a resolution that is required as part of an application for a PECO Green Region Grant, said township Manager Kathleen Howley. She said the township would be required to match the award of up to $10,000. The money would be used to clear brush and invasive plants from the township’s land along Route 1.
Solicitor Tom Oeste said progress has been made on the township’s amendment to its Riparian Buffer Ordinance. He said the Chester County Planning Commission is reviewing the document, and depending on whether the county recommends changes, the ordinance could be ready for a vote at the April 20 meeting.
Howley said the long-delayed replacement of the Route 926 Bridge would be the subject of a PennDOT open house and presentation on Wednesday, March 30 at Pocopson Elementary School. The program will include an open house at 5:30 p.m., enabling attendees to circulate among the various subject displays; a presentation from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.; and a Q&A from 7 to 7:30 p.m., according to PennDOT.
Howley also reminded the audience the township’s annual yard sale will be held on Saturday, April 23, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., and a free shredding event is scheduled for Saturday, April 30, from 9 a.m. to noon in the township’s parking lot. For residents doing spring-cleaning, the township will have bins available near the maintenance garage for disposal of large items, excluding hazardous materials and electronics. The times are from 6:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 28, and Friday, April 29; and Saturday, April 30, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
During public comment, Alma Forsythe, a Pennsbury resident known for her environmental advocacy, said she wanted to call the supervisors’ attention to concerns raised recently by representatives of the Chester Delaware County Farm Bureau at a meeting in New Garden Township. She said the bureau is unhappy with some of the language in Landscapes 2, Chester County’s strategic plan for smart growth.
The bureau is asking municipalities “to take an interest in protecting land that might be used for something other than farming,” Forsythe said, adding that the bureau feels its industry is in danger of being destroyed by development.
