• On Saturday, Jan. 30, the new Wegmans Food Market in Concord Township, along all other Wegmans, will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the family-run business. At 11 a.m., a celebration cake will be served to customers and to employees.
• Chadds Ford Township will hold a Visioning Workshop, Jan. 28 at 6:30 p.m. Supervisor Samantha Reiner said the meeting is "where our community comes together to express goals and objectives, which hopefully will influence and inspire a rewrite of the town's Comprehensive Plan."
• The Kennett Area Senior Center sponsors a free Medicare counseling session on Thursday, Feb. 4, 11, 18 and 25 from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sign up to meet with a Department of Aging volunteer from APPRISE who can help with any questions you have about Medicare and your individual coverage. Please contact the KASC at 610-444-4819 to make an appointment.
• Southco, Inc., a global manufacturer of engineered access solutions, will be holding a regional job fair at its Concordville headquarters on Saturday, Feb. 13, from 9 a.m. to noon. Prospective candidates will be able to meet and interview with members of Southco’s Human Resources and management teams, and learn more about Southco and the opportunities available with one of the area’s leading companies. Southco is located at 210 N. Brinton Lake Rd.
• For the first time, the Brandywine River Museum of Art will offer free admission to visitors all day on the first Sunday of every month from February to November in 2016. These First Sundays for Families will feature special hands-on creative art activities sponsored by PNC Arts Alive and designed to engage visitors of all ages. The inaugural First Sundays for Families program for 2016 will be held on Feb. 7. Called "Seeing Red," families can create Valentine's Day cards using a variety of collage materials. On Sunday, March 6, families will enjoy "Crayon-a-thon," and coloring outside the lines is encouraged.
• Darlington Arts Center is gearing up for its summer camp. Enrolling before April 1 brings with it a 10 percent discount. Weeklong-long camp sessions run from June 20 to Sept. 1. The camps are for kids from 3 to14 who are interested in music, art, dance or drama. For more information and enrollment, go to http://www.darlingtonarts.org/special-programs/summer-arts-camp/.
• Whole Foods Market in Devon and Wynnewood raised $9,527.39 for the Chester County Food Bank, as part of Feed 4 More, a national customer donation program. Shoppers were invited to donate funds at the time of checkout throughout the holiday season to support the Chester County Food Bank. The store has donated funds and food valued at over $45,000 since its partnership with the Chester County Food Bank began in 2012, said Larry Welsch, executive director of the food bank.
• The Chester County Fund for Women and Girls has been named the 2015 Mosteller Community Service Award winner by the Greater West Chester Chamber of Commerce for its long-term commitment to meeting the challenges confronting women and girls and its ongoing dedication to identifying and addressing those needs. The award will be presented during the GWCC annual banquet at the Desmond Hotel on Tuesday, Feb. 2. “The GWCC is honored to recognize the fund for its longevity and creativity and for its expertise in collaborating with organizations and individuals toward a common goal,” said GWCC President Mark Yoder.
• For the first time, West Chester University was included in U.S. News’ top 100 Best Online Programs for its online MBA program. U.S. News based its evaluation of online MBA programs on four criteria: faculty credentials and training, student services and technology, student engagement, and admissions selectivity. More than 1,200 distance education bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in various fields are cataloged in the 2016 directory. WCU remains among the top 100 regional universities in the north and among the top 20 public universities in the north.
