• A 44-year-old Cochranville motorist was the victim of a hit and run accident in Kennett Township on Jan. 16. A state police report said the victim was stopped for a traffic light in the left, southbound lane of Route 1 at Route 52 when he was rear-ended. When the light changed to green, the victim pulled over to the shoulder, but the offending driver continued south without stopping. The incident happened at 1:46 p.m.
• According to state police, a Kennett Square woman, April Louise Zaplinty, was arrested for DUI and possession of drug paraphernalia following a Jan. 16 traffic stop on Route 1 at Route 82 in East Marlborough Township.
• One unidentified motorist rear-ended another vehicle on Jan. 11 near the Wawa on Route 202. A police report said the driver was driving north on Route 2902 and changed lanes from the left to the right and struck a vehicle that had pulled out of the Wawa parking lot and slowed for traffic. The accident happened at 12:55 p.m.
• At 8:48 a.m. on Jan. 11, an unidentified driver rear-ended another car on State Farm Drive in Concord Township. Police said the vehicle that was struck was stopped while trying to merge into traffic.
• An elderly Concord Township couple was the victim of identity theft sometime between Dec. 30 and Jan. 4. Police said unknown suspects used the victims’ bankcard information to make purchases totaling $16,000 at three Target stores in Florida. The victims are both 79 years old.
• Police said a 58-year-old man from Concord Township neglected to care for a dependent person — a 57-year-old woman — which resulted in injury to the victim.
