I have been a Republican my entire life. I have always taken the high road, disagreeing with my opponents, but never attacking them. Over a year ago, I was asked by Mary Kot, leader of the Chadds Ford Republican Committee, to run on their endorsed ticket for school board. I told her that I have a daughter who teaches at Patton Middle School. She said at the time that it was a non-issue.
I turned down the offer to run on their team for several reasons. I had supported Gregg Lindner and Kathy Do for school board in 2011. I have always been a person of integrity and honesty. I could not and would not run against two school board members who have brought transparency to the board and have done an outstanding job. Another reason I turned down the CF Republicans was because I didn't like the way they do business, with personal attacks instead of sticking to issues.
The latest mailing from the CF Republican's ticket — Daniels, Murphy, Ramunno — is exactly why I couldn't run with them. I have told everyone I talk to that I have a daughter who teaches at Patton Middle School and that I would never be involved in any proceeding that would directly affect my daughter. There have been numerous letters to the editor stating this to the public. Despite that fact, the Daniels, Murphy, Ramunno team paid for a mailing of an attack letter promoting these false allegations to Republicans in Region C. As for teacher contracts, I have repeatedly stated I would not participate in any negotiations. With the recently signed teacher contract, this will not even be an issue for another four years. I also must point out, once again, that parents of educators have served on the school board in the past, including our current board president, and there has never been any question about their integrity or their ability to serve.
What are the CF Republicans afraid of? Someone who has always been recognized as a hard-working, decent and honest person? I would think the voters would want someone like me to represent them. I have the intelligence and ability to determine issues. I will not be told how to vote. I would look at each issue and base my decision on the merits of the question. What is wrong with that?
Some people have said I should be flattered that they are afraid of me and have to attack me. I am trying to look at it that way, but as a mother and grandmother, the vitriol of their attacks is sometimes hard to take. However, I continue to hold my head up high because I have always taken the high road.
Beverly Brookes
Pennsbury Township
Candidate for UCF School Board, Region C
