A little more than a week remains for a Chester County Art Association exhibit that celebrates the tree. “Contemplating the Tree” is coming down Thursday, Feb. 19, and association Director Karen Delaney thinks it’s been a winner.
“I’m very proud of this exhibit,” Delaney said, adding that “Contemplating a Tree” has been well attended, even by school groups.

The theme of the exhibit had been germinating in her mind for about a year. When she ran the idea by the artist members, everyone was enthusiastic, she said.
“It’s an easy concept to address, in a way. It’s widely addressed by our members, but the delightful result is the variety of versions of trees we received. What holds it together so well is not just the theme, but the uniqueness to every one of them. That’s fascinating,” Delaney said.
Delaney noted that trees in art go back millennia.
“You can find them back in the cave drawings of Lascaux [France]. You can find trees in artwork from ancient times all the way to today. It’s a beautiful, strong structure that surrounds us and I think we oftentimes take it for granted,” she said.
“Contemplating a Tree” reflects a modern, artistically sophisticated approach, including photography and metal sculptures as well as wood carvings and various painting techniques and media. Delaney said there are 125 pieces from 100 artists.
“An exhibition like this makes you reconsider and think of them in different ways,” she said. “It’s an environment embracing exhibition, too, which is very important.”

As much as Delaney likes “Contemplating a Tree,” she’s looking forward to the next exhibit, which features the talents of the association’s members. The members’ show is not juried, so any member may submit work.
“All those who are members here are welcome to put a piece in, but just one piece,” she said.
There are more than 700 members, though not everyone will exhibit. Still, she expects several hundred pieces to be on display. There is also no theme for the members’ show.
Delaney said it will be a “wonderful cross section of the creative integrity of our whole organization,” and that the members are important.
“Whatever aspirations they have in the artistic field, at whatever level they work, they’re part of the fabric of the association,” she said.
The members’ show runs from Thursday, Feb. 26, through March 27. There will be an opening reception from 5 to 8 p.m. on Feb. 26.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.