Pennsbury Land Trust soliciting tree questions

Taking advantage of a free program in Pennsbury Township that offers the opportunity to ask specific tree-related questions may prove to be the next best option to having your own personal arborist.

The Pennsbury Land Trust is branching out by offering the presentation to area residents on Thursday, March 19, at 7 p.m. in the Pennsbury Township building.

Jason Lubar, the associate director of urban forestry at the University of Pennsylvania’s Morris Arboretum for the past 16 years, will share information on the care and maintenance of backyard trees, including tips on recovering from storm damage or disease.

Lubar, a board-certified master arborist, has been featured on regional radio talk shows and has authored numerous articles on urban forestry. Have a question related to keeping your backyard trees healthy or choosing a new one? Between now and March 19, area residents are invited to submit pre-event questions to [email protected].


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