Arrest a cautionary tale for fire companies

At a time of dwindling resources for local fire companies, the arrest on Wednesday, Oct. 8, of the treasurer of the Westwood Fire Company in Valley Township – accused of embezzling more than $300,000 from the company - should send out alarms, authorities said.

Hower S. Smith III

“This case underscores the importance of financial safeguards for all organizations and businesses,” said Chester County District Attorney Tom Hogan in a press release.  “This defendant was able to abuse his position of trust to steal from volunteer first responders.”

Hogan said from 2006 through 2012, Hower S. Smith III, 57, of Coatesville, a 40-year member of Westwood, exhibited a shocking betrayal of trust, stealing from volunteers who risk their lives so he could make purchases such as Phillies season tickets. “The defendant used the stolen funds to go on extravagant vacations and live the high life,” Hogan added.

The alleged thefts came to light in 2012 when Smith charged over $2,000 worth of unauthorized purchases to a fire company credit card while on vacation in Hawaii.  Westwood officials immediately notified the Valley Township Police Department and the Chester County Detectives, and Smith was removed from office in January 2012, Hogan said.

A subsequent investigation revealed the scope of the thefts, which included more than 400 personal purchases, forged signatures on over 100 checks, even manipulated Bingo records, Hogan said.

Westwood Fire Company, which serves Valley, East Fallowfield, West Caln, Wallace, East Brandywine, and West Brandywine Townships, responds to more than 3,000 fire and medical calls per year.


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