Whether you’re visiting the Hildacy Farm Preserve in Media or the Ches-Len Preserve in Newlin Township, Natural Lands Trust, the Delaware County-based land conservancy, wants to enhance the experience electronically.
The trust announced the launch of a free mobile app, ExploreNLT, that includes features on its more than 40 regional preserves, such as interactive trail maps, activities, events listings, and easy sharing of photos to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
“Smartphones are becoming the tool people turn to most to discover new places and plan recreational experiences,” noted Oliver Bass, Natural Lands Trust’s vice president of communications and engagement. “By making our preserves easy to find and explore, mobile technology has tremendous potential to help us reach more people and enhance understanding of our region’s natural resources.”
The ExploreNLT app is available for free download at the Apple App Store and at Google Play Market.
