Concord Township supervisors postponed for two weeks a decision on the next two buildings planned for the Maris Grove retirement community.
Erickson Living Management wants to begin work on Neighborhood 3 with the first two of four new buildings that will complete the original plan of three neighborhoods of 500 housings units each.
The Planning Commission recommended approval and the board was set to vote on the matter during the Feb. 4 meeting when a neighbor said the height of one 4-story building exceeded their original agreement with Erickson that limited the building to three stories.
Supervisors’ Chairman Dominic Pileggi told the parties the township was not party to their agreement and that they should get together to review details. The board will hear the matter again on Feb. 11.
The new L-shaped buildings, if approved, would add 164 units to the community.
Two other buildings still need to go through the land development process before the third neighborhood can be completed.
Other business
• Supervisors approved a resolution expressing sympathy for and recognizing the service of Rachel Kohl who recently died. The community library is named after her.
• Township Manager Bob Willert said during the meeting that Concord has spent $62,000 on salt and $43,000 on plowing so far this winter season. The township is low on salt but is expecting another shipment before the storm forecast for the weekend of Feb. 8 and 9.
• The board has scheduled a conditional use hearing for a Dunkin’ Donuts proposed for the shopping center at Route 1 and Cheney Road. The hearing is set for 6:45 p.m. on Feb. 25.
Pileggi said he is not yet certain whether this facility would replace the current donut shop near Route 202 or if it would be a second Dunkin’ Donuts in the township.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.