The Kennett Symphony of Chester County is pleased to announce a Junior Instrumental Competition for students in Grades 4-8 who live in the Chester, Delaware, and New Castle County area. All instruments normally found in an orchestra or band are included.
There will be three (3) winners in the grades 4-6 category and three (3) winners in the grades 7-8 category, with prizes in each of $100, $50, and $25. Presentation of the prizes will be made at the Kennett Symphony’s Children’s Concert on March 9, 2014 at West Chester University’s Asplundh Hall.
The winning selections will be based on auditions, to be held on Saturday, February 15, 2014 in the auditorium of Kendal at Longwood, Kennett Square, PA. Each student will perform one intermediate (or higher) composition lasting no longer than five minutes. Memorization is encouraged, but not required.
All participants will receive feedback from the judges’ comments. This program is intended as a serious music student’s introduction to the competitive experience, with the opportunity to gain knowledge and familiarity with the format of competitions.
Additional information and applications may be obtained online at or from the Kennett Symphony office at 610-444-6363. All applications should be postmarked no later than January 29, 2014 and sent to:
Kennett Symphony Jr. Instrumental Competition
c/o Paul Merluzzi
1445 Grand Oak Lane
West Chester, PA 19380
For Kennett Symphony ticket information, call 610-444-6363 or visit
