Unionville High School Juniors Matt and Mitch Candy received scouting’s highest recognition on Dec. 2, during an Eagle Court of Honor, held at Hillendale Elementary School. In order to earn their rank advancement to Eagle Scout, the young men were required to hold leadership positions in the troop, complete a series of merit badge requirements, demonstrate scout spirit, and complete a project in service to their community.

The young men, brothers and fraternal twins, led a combined 700 hours of work to complete their service projects at Chadds Ford Elementary School, where Principal Mark Ransford is a consummate supporter of the boy scouts and sponsor of many projects for Troop 31. Matt refurbished an outdoor nature center on the grounds of the school. Interestingly enough, the original nature center was a Troop 31 Eagle Scout project constructed back in 1989. In addition to his leadership role in Troop 31, Matt is also active in scouting’s Order of the Arrow, and has participated in and staffed national leadership programs. The highlight of his scouting career was this summer’s 102-mile trek through New Mexico’s Philmont Scout Ranch, particularly as he was able to share the experience with his dad. Matt is considering a career in business and would also like to incorporate public relations and Spanish into his studies.
Mitch completed a two-part project, also at Chadds Ford Elementary School. He refurbished the school’s award winning Blue Ribbon Garden, a nationally recognized achievement for the school, and also constructed an Interaction Station, which is a series of benches in an octagon configuration that allows for both social and educational interactions amongst students and teachers. Mitch is active in the Order of the Arrow, and has participated in National Youth Leadership Training. He will be participating as a staff member for an upcoming leadership program in the Spring. Mitch was the Crew Chief for his troop’s hike at the Philmont Scout Ranch this summer, and counts that as his most memorable scouting experience. Mitch plans to pursue a career in Education after high school and hopes to teach History at the high school level.
Scoutmaster Ray Coe remarked that leadership is the first thing that comes to mind when describing both young men. Coe certainly has demonstrated how to develop future leaders, as the brothers were the 122nd and 123rd scouts to earn the rank of Eagle in Troop 31’s 50-year history. Both young men hope to continue their contributions to the troop as Assistant Scoutmasters once they turn eighteen later this year.
