I am writing to Chadds Ford Live because I am profoundly saddened by a piece of mail that was recently distributed by Frank Murphy and I feel that it is best to address any distortions directly. On one side of his mailer Frank claims that he has run a "positive campaign" while on the other side he states that I "would excuse incompetence in exchange for a favor." His suggestion that there was some sort of Township “favor” I received from Ms. Love is extremely inappropriate.
I have known Ms. Love for many years, as a township supervisor, but also as member of the medical community. At one point, a number of years ago, I asked Ms. Love for some advice concerning a close family member’s medical situation. I am still extremely grateful to Ms. Love for her help during a time that was extremely distressing to my family and me. This “favor” had nothing to do with township activities. I think this is a true reflection on how a community is supposed to work, in which members can put aside political differences in order to help each other when it truly matters.
All I want is to help make Chadds Ford a wonderful township for its residents, and I want everyone who volunteers or who is hired by the township to be considered for their knowledge and ability to enhance the community, regardless of their political affiliations. I am extremely disappointed that Mr. Murphy has chosen to go down this road in the final days of the campaign and I hope we can move forward and finish the election with respect.
Rhona Klein
Democratic Party candidate for township supervisor
