Around Town Oct. 17

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• Chadds Ford will be getting the first of two new Italian restaurants soon. Josh Friedberg, one of  the owners of Antica, anticipates opening by Friday, Oct. 18. Antica is in the former site of Bistro on the Brandywine, across the parking lot from Brandywine Prime.

• Unionville High School will host a marching band competition Saturday, Oct. 19 from 6-10 p.m. March on the Brandywine features bands from 13 regional schools. The UHS band will not compete, but will perform an exhibition of its 2013 show, “Amusement Park" after the competition is finished. The "Golden Rams" Marching Band from West Chester University will also perform. Tickets are $12 adults, $10 students and seniors, free for ages 5 and under. For more information and performance times, go here.

• Author Gene Pisassale will give a lecture “The Civil War- A 150 Year Retrospective” at the Bayard Taylor Library in Kennett Square, 2 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 19. The lecture highlights the causes, Underground Railroad in Kennett Square, major battles and the aftermath of reconstruction.

The War Room at the Sanderson Museum.
The War Room at the Sanderson Museum.

• The Christian C. Sanderson Museum in Chadds Ford is hosting a scavenger hunt for children on Sunday, Oct. 20 from 1-3 p.m.  The scavenger hunt is $3 per child, members are free. Children will search museum’s collection to find unique and interesting historic artifacts. It will take approximately 45 minutes and children must be accompanied by an adult. Scout troops are encouraged to attend and this visit can help them towards earning achievements or badges.

• Willowdale Chapel is hosting an open house in celebration of the fourth year of its Celebrate Recovery program. The event is 7 p.m., Monday, Oct. 21, at 675 Unionville Road in Kennett Square. Celebrate Recovery is a faith-based 12 –step recovery program.

Brandywine Jazz Vespers presents an evening worship service of traditional hymns at 7 p.m. on Nov. 3 at the Brandywine Baptist Church on Route 1 in Chadds Ford Township. The program will feature Peter Paulsen on the double bass, Charlotte Paulsen, mezzo-soprano, Matt Hochmiller on piano and Larry Marshall on drums. For more information call 610-459-1302 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. The event is free and open to the public.

The Delaware Museum of Natural History will host a part of paleontological history when "Haddy," the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University's Hadrosaurus foulkii skeletal cast, goes on display from Oct. 23 through Feb. 24. On loan from the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University in Philadelphia, the exhibit explores how scientists visually interpret what animals may have looked like in life based on fossilized remains. A press release said the exhibit is special because it represents a piece of history “found right here in our own backyard." Haddy was found in Haddonfield, N.J. in the mid 1800s. Admission is $9 for adults, $7 for children (3-17), $8 for seniors, free for children 2 and younger and for Museum members. For more information visit or call 302-658-9111.

• Brandywine Ballet will open its 2013-14 season with a production of Grace & Guitars on Oct. 25 and 26 at Emilie K. Asplundh Concert Hall in West Chester. “Grace & Guitars” is billed as a unique dual ballet program showcasing the versatility and vibrancy of the art and features two distinct ballets in one program. Act I is George Balanchine’s beautiful classic ballet “Serenade,” while Act II is “Rock Ballet,” featuring live music from the Downingtown School of Rock House Band. Individual tickets cost $25-$42 and subscriptions are on sale now. Subscriptions, tickets, and a complete schedule are available by telephone at 610-696-2711 and on-line at

• Heather Wholey, associate professor of anthropology at West Chester University, describes the life and ways of the native Lenape in the Brandywine Valley through archaeological discoveries during a discussion at the Marshalton Inn at 6:30 p.m. on Nov. 4. Wholey will provide evidence and address myths about Native Americans who lived in the region prior to European colonization. This special History on Tap will be held in recognition of Native American Heritage Month.




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