To the Chadds Ford Board of Supervisors:
I want to thank you for your dedicated service to Chadds Ford Township. I know that balancing the competing interests that come before the board is difficult. I know you have many difficult decisions to make, and I respectfully submit this letter for your consideration.
I have become increasingly concerned over the extent of proposed development in Chadds Ford Township and the surrounding region and the impact it will pose on the quality of life for Chadds Ford residents. Chadds Ford is a special community with a unique sense of place that if lost cannot be recovered.
It is my understanding the Board of Supervisors is considering the implementation of a “Loop Road Overlay District” to change zoning in the Route 1 and Route 202 area. The zoning changes under consideration would permit different uses for residential and commercial property within the proposed district. Also being considered as part of this concept is an approximately 50,000 square foot YMCA in the Chadds Ford Business Campus complex on Hillman Drive, and a 100-plus-townhome community for the north side of US-1 on Brandywine Drive.
In addition to the Loop Road Overlay District, planning for Chadds Ford includes future completion of a southwestern “loop road” to connect Route 1 with Route 202 south.
Among my concerns with the proposed development are the following:
(1) The conflicts between residential and commercial uses. The mixture of high-speed tractor-trailers, other commercial vehicles and resident’s cars will be made worse by the construction of new townhomes along US-1. If the Loop Road Overlay District is to be the commercial hub of Chadds Ford, is it sensible to build more residential homes that conflict with those commercial uses?
(2) The Loop Road would be quite literally within a stone’s throw of both residential homes at Painters Crossing Condominiums and the entrance to the Chadds Ford Estates residential development. This will very possibly negatively impact the property values for those residents, and most certainly negatively affect their quality of life every day. The completion of this loop road must be carefully reconsidered for its impact on these residential areas and the township as a whole.
(3) The residents of Chadds Ford Estates have only one access to their homes – via an intersection with Hillman Drive. Hillman Drive will connect to — actually become — this proposed loop road. That intersection with Hillman Drive will likely become a major traffic thruway with tractor-trailers and high-speed traffic utilizing this loop road. It is likely to become as difficult to head southwest on the proposed loop road as it is currently to head south on US-1 due to the volume and speed of traffic.
(4) Currently, tractor-trailers and other trucks can only access US-202 south by turning right from US-1 at the signaled intersection of those roads. If the loop road is built, tractor-trailers wishing to access southbound Route 202 will be able to utilize the loop road, bringing them at high speeds right next to the homes of Painters Crossing Condominiums and Chadds Ford Estates.
(5) Will the Loop Road be built using Chadds Ford Township funds? If so, what is the direct benefit to the residents of Chadds Ford that justifies this expense?
(6) In neighboring Concord Township, proposals for a Wegmans store and the re-zoning of a portion of the Woodlawn Trustees’ property for mixed-use development are on the table. Has the Chadds Ford Board of Supervisors considered the impact of these developments on the quality of life in Chadds Ford? What will the traffic impact be on the entire township? Has a comprehensive traffic study been performed?
The aforementioned development issues have the potential to forever change the Chadds Ford we all know and cherish. I urge the Board of Supervisors to hold multiple public meetings in order to inform residents, obtain feedback and review concerns as you continue to study these and other proposals. It is imperative that the impact on our community is fully considered.
Frank Murphy
Chadds Ford Township
Frank Murphy is the Republican Party candidate for supervisor in the 2013 election.
